Bernhard Edmaier

Bernhard Edmaier - Photographe

Bernhard Edmaier

Bernhard Edmaier

Patterns of the Earth

Patterns of the Earth

Patterns of the Earth, de Bernhard Edmaier

This book celebrates the patterns and abstract forms found in nature. Bernhard Edmaier’s amazing aerial photographs show the beautiful shapes formed on the earth’s surface by rocks, ice, sand, water, trees and plants. The hundreds of images in this Handbook to the Patterns of the Earth make us look at the world in a new way, by showing us (…)

Bernhard Edmaier

Bernhard Edmaier trained as a civil engineer and geologist and has photographed the earth’s surface for over 15 years. The result of meticulous planning and research, his extraordinary travels take him from the endless deserts of Africa to the ice plains of Iceland and the coral cliffs of the Great Barrier Reef. His abstractly beautiful compositions offer an awe-inspiring view of our planet.

Infos :

Bernhard Edmaier - Photographe

Beaux Livres Photos

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