Firefly Books Ltd Éditions

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Firefly Books Ltd Éditions

Firefly Books Ltd Éditions

Livres Photos de Musique Firefly Books Ltd Éditions

The Rolling Stones : In the Beginning

The Rolling Stones : In the Beginning

The Rolling Stones : In the Beginning, de Bent Rej, Bill Wyman

In 1965, the Rolling Stones released their album Out of Our Heads, which included their hit “Satisfaction”. During that time between spring of 1965 and summer of 1966 when the band had just gained worldwide attention, Danish photographer Rej was on the scene and granted unprecedented access to the band members as no other future photographer (…)

Firefly Books Ltd Éditions

Firefly Books Ltd Éditions
66 Leek Crescent
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4B 1H1
Tél. : (416) 499-8412
Fax : (416) 499-8313

Firefly Books Ltd., established in 1977, is a North American publisher and distributor of non-fiction and children’s books. Firefly’s goal is to bring readers beautifully produced books written by experts at reasonable prices.

Firefly Books deserves an award for publishing some of the most beautiful and downright inexpensive books on the retail market. If they can do it, so too can other publishing companies. Firefly is to be commended and congratulated for their efforts in publishing high quality books in an increasingly ridiculous and overpriced market." (Lynn C. Westney, Associate Reference Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago Library in E-STREAMS, August 2002).

Most of our books are tightly focused, contain full color photographs and illustrations throughout, and are printed on quality paper with durable bindings. What one critic said about White-Tailed Deer sums up what we try to do with all our books :

Firefly Books does a consistently excellent job with its books about the natural world, especially animals ... White-Tailed Deer is a good example of what this publisher does consistently well : focus on one species, use quality paper, fill the book with gorgeous color photos of the animal and select an author who both knows the subject and can write well about it. (Terry Mapes, Book Talk column, News Journal (Mansfield, OH), Fall 1999)

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Firefly Books Ltd Éditions

Firefly Books Ltd Éditions. Firefly Books deserves an award for publishing some of the most beautiful and downright inexpensive books on the retail market.

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Beaux Livres Photos

Leçons de séduction

Leçons de séduction

Depuis 7 ans, de mystérieuses inconnues distillent avec humour des conseils complices à chaque coin de rue. Lui révéler un secret... L’inciter à (…)



Les libellules règnent en championnes des airs sur le monde des insectes. Déplacements à la vitesse de l’éclair, changements de trajectoire (…)

Le simulacre du printemps

Le simulacre du printemps

Frédéric Lecloux réalise des photos dans l’appartement de sa grand-mère à Bruxelles. A partir de ces images, Ingrid Tobois imagine une fiction, (…)

L’Afrique au crépuscule

L'Afrique au crépuscule

Un magnifique hommage aux grands mammifères d’Afrique australe et orientale. Dans « L’Afrique au crépuscule », Nick Brandt poursuit son (…)

Hyères 2009 Festival de mode

Hyères 2009 Festival de mode

Le Festival International de Mode et de Photographie à Hyères dirigé par Jean-Pierre Blanc depuis sa création il y a 24 ans, rassemble et fait (…)

Ticket to Tokyo

Ticket to Tokyo

Ticket to Tokyo, c’est la bande annonce de votre voyage, le carnet que vous n’avez pas eu le temps de faire, les photos que vous n’avez pas pu (…)