Hosoe Eikoh

Hosoe Eikoh - Photographe

Hosoe Eikoh


Angkor Photography Festival

Angkor Photography Festival

Le 3ème édition du Angkor Photography Festival, aura lieu du 17 au 28 novembre 2007 à Siem Reap, Cambodge L’Angkor Photography Festival est le premier festival photo d’Asie du Sud-Est. Ce festival a été fondé en 2005 par Gary Knight, Christophe Loviny et Jean-Yves Navel. A l’ombre des temples d’Angkor, il rassemble depuis trois ans les (…)

Hosoe Eikoh

Hosoe Eikoh, Freelance photographer, Professor Emeritus at Tokyo Institute of Polytechnic, Director of Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts. Also currently serves as vice chair of Japan Professional Photographers Society and Japan Society for Arts and History of Photography. Born in 1933, after studying at the Tokyo College of Photography, Hosoe gained recognition with Barakei (Ordeal by Roses), a 1963 collection of portraits of novelist Yukio Mishima, and was awarded the Minister of Education’s Arts Encouragement Prize in 1970 for Kamaitachi, a photo essay on Tatsumi Hijikata, founder of the Butoh Dance movement. In addition to his numerous publications and his works kept in many Art Collections, he also participated to many Individual and Selected Group Exhibitions in Japan and all over the world. As a photographer of international renown, he has also contributed to the internationalization of Asian photography. Hosoe was awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon of Japan in 1998 and the 150th Special Anniversary Medal of the Royal Photographic Society in 2003.

Infos :

Hosoe Eikoh - Photographe

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