Robert Klein Gallery

Robert Klein Gallery

Robert Klein Gallery

Robert Klein Gallery is not accepting any unsolicited submissions at this time. The gallery is not responsible for the return or loss of unsolicited submissions, or for any damage or other injury to unsolicited submission
Founded in 1980, the Robert Klein Gallery is the only major art gallery in New England devoted exclusively to fine art photography.
The gallery deals with established photographers of the 19th and 20th centuries including those photographers who are considered masters or whose works have received critical acclaim and recognition, such as : Gustave LeGray, Eadweard Muybridge, Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Irving Penn, Brassai, Henri Cartier Bresson, Mario Giacomelli, Helen Levitt, Yousuf Karsh, Irving Penn, Man Ray, Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Weston, Charles Sheeler, and Walker Evans. In addition, the gallery exhibition schedule is designed to introduce newer photographers to the public. Recently exhibited contemporary artists include : Michal Ronnen Safdie, Bill Jacobson, Roger Ballen, Victor Schrager, Laura Letinsky, Sally Gall, John Dugdale, Michael Kenna and Arno Rafael Minkkinen. As President of the Board of Directors of The Association of International Photography Art Dealers (AIPAD), Robert Klein is dedicated to advancing the appreciation of the art of photography. Robert Klein Gallery is a member of The Boston Art Dealers Association (BADA), and the New England Appraisers Association. The extensive expertise of the gallery staff, and a commitment to meeting the art and collecting needs of clients are the guiding principles of the Robert Klein Gallery. The gallery participates in numerous art fairs including Art Chicago, Paris Photo, Art Palm Beach, The Boston International Fine Art Fair, The AIPAD Photography Show (NYC), Photo LA and Photo San Francisco.

Infos :

Robert Klein Gallery

Robert Klein Gallery

Founded in 1980, the Robert Klein Gallery is the only major art gallery in New England devoted exclusively to fine art photography.

Infos :
Beaux Livres Photos

Vivre de la photo de mariage

Vivre de la photo de mariage

Être photographe de mariage, ce n’est pas forcément ringard ! Bien menée, cette spécialité peut donner lieu à une activité florissante et permettre de (...)

Gillian Laub : Testimony

Gillian Laub : Testimony

Ces quatre dernières années, Gillian Laub a couvert le conflit israêlo-palestinien et a dressé le portrait d’une cinquantaine d’habitants de (...)

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Avec l’EOS 7D, Canon propose un boîtier expert de haute qualité, particulièrement novateur, abouti et d’une souplesse améliorant sensiblement (...)

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Paris Mannequin

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Le narrateur est le vent, qui flâne de-ci de-là. Il est le fil conducteur entre les hommes et les lieux. La lecture n est pas ethnologique mais (...)



Cet ouvrage est le premier à s’intéresser aux principaux appareils « grand public » qui ont succédé au Box Brownie Kodak de 1908 et qui ont lancé la (...)