Adam Ferguson

Adam Ferguson - Photographe

Adam Ferguson


Angkor Photography Festival

Angkor Photography Festival

Le 3ème édition du Angkor Photography Festival, aura lieu du 17 au 28 novembre 2007 à Siem Reap, Cambodge L’Angkor Photography Festival est le premier festival photo d’Asie du Sud-Est. Ce festival a été fondé en 2005 par Gary Knight, Christophe Loviny et Jean-Yves Navel. A l’ombre des temples d’Angkor, il rassemble depuis trois ans les (…)

Adam Ferguson

Adam Ferguson, 29, began his photographic career in 2001 by enrolling in a Bachelor of Photography at Australia’s Griffith University. Adam graduated with a major in photojournalism in 2004 and was awarded a Peace Scholarship that sent him to document Peace Art Project Cambodia. This trip culminated in an ABC television story and an exhibition, "Aftermath." In 2006, he moved to Paris where he interned with VII Photo Agency. Adam’s photographs have appeared in the International Herald Tribune, The Chicago Tribune, The Daily Telegraph, The Sydney Morning Herald, and The Australian. Currently based in New Delhi, India, as a stringer for Bloomberg News, Adam is also working under contract with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria.

Infos :

Adam Ferguson - Photographe

Beaux Livres Photos

Art du Nu - Nude Art Today

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