Portails sur la photographie

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Trey Ratclif’s fine art photography and travel photography, free HDR Tutorial, photography tips, camera reviews and photo editing software reviews

Par Stuckincustoms.com

Daily Photo – A Giant Rock Puzzle On our very first day on my first photo adventure to Africa, this was our first stop! What a wild and amazing (...)
A Giant Rock Puzzle
Daily Photo – Moving On… Still working on the new Presets… soon, soon! This is my place here in New Zealand! I’m actually in the middle of selling (...)
Moving On…
I’ll release some new presets soon! Do you get my newsletter? It’s pretty awesome, if I do say so myself, and I do! Usually that’s where I release (...)
Some New Presets ?
A little change from the book content… Some of my favorite recent AI images. I post more over at @TraiRatcliff – my alt AI account. I hope you (...)
Here I am, reading you a section of my new book. Enjoy! Oh, and don’t forget to join up for my new FB discussion group (...)
The Introduction
Oh, and it’s hit #1 on a bunch of categories over on Amazon. Pretty cool! Thanks all who bought it so far.
Discussing the New Book
Bet you didn’t guess that, right? I have a new book! This is a very personal book about an unexpected adventure in spirituality. You all know how (...)
Guess what ? I kinda died and left the Earth to go to the Spirit World for a while. And now I wrote a book about it !
Daily Photo – Sweaty in Thailand I shed nearly five pounds of water weight during this shoot! It was a scorching hot day, yet my enthusiasm for (...)
Sweaty in Thailand
Daily Photo – Exploring the Winery During our Waiheke Island getaway, we embarked on a winery-hopping adventure. My memory might be a bit hazy, (...)
Exploring the Winery
Daily Photo – Autumn Walks Another crisp autumn day invites another exploratory walk to a new destination. I’m incredibly fortunate to have so many (...)
Autumn Walks