Portails sur la photographie

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Trey Ratclif’s fine art photography and travel photography, free HDR Tutorial, photography tips, camera reviews and photo editing software reviews

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Daily Photo – Italian Blues I grabbed this from the west coast of Italy as a rainstorm approached…. Italian Blues Photo Information Date (...)
Italian Blues
Is well underway…
This Weekends Stream
As regular readers know, I like to experiment with AI stuff, and that continued this week with the launch of Stable Diffusion 3 Medium. It’s a new (...)
Daily Photo – An Alternate Tokyo Like a different reality to yesterday’s version… An Alternate Tokyo Photo Information Date Taken2017-07-14 14:45:03 (...)
An Alternate Tokyo
Daily Photo – In the Office I was inside an office-area of Mori Tower (not the observation deck) to get this shot. On the observation tower, they (...)
In the Office
Saw the other day that the Astronaut who took the amazing photo “Earthrise” has died. Absolutely epic photo and you can read a bit about how it was (...)
That Photo
If you missed it on Friday, please do take a little trip over to my latest long form blog post about my plant therapy adventure in Costa (...)
A Reminder
Daily Photo – The Big Sur Sunset Yesterday I shared a shot taken while waiting for sunset. This was the scene a little later. Well worth the (...)
The Big Sur Sunset
Daily Photo – Textures near Big Sur While we were waiting on the approaching sunset, I grabbed this shot which just felt right for a little (...)
Textures near Big Sur
Here’s the movie trailer… Let’s embark on a thrilling and transformative four-night journey with Ayahuasca at Rythmia in Costa Rica! This thing has (...)
Four Nights in a Row of Ayahuasca at Rythmia in Costa Rica
Daily Photo – Not Burning Man Although it looks like it, this isn’t from Burning Man. Just a random moment at SXSW where I ended up at a party that (...)
Not Burning Man
Daily Photo – Evening Light and the Summer Palace I didn’t make it to the Summer Palace until my final evening in Beijing during this trip. That (...)
Evening Light and the Summer Palace
Saw this report in the news today talking about how a remote tribe in the amazon got internet for their village and now just 8months later they (...)
Breaking a Society
Daily Photo – Out Testing Captured while out gathering images that may make it into my a7CR review… Out Testing Photo Information Date (...)
Out Testing
Daily Photo – Istanbul Something a bit more classic in design compared to the last few days of modern concrete and electric light… Istanbul Photo (...)