Portails sur la photographie

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Trey Ratclif’s fine art photography and travel photography, free HDR Tutorial, photography tips, camera reviews and photo editing software reviews

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Daily Photo – Unshared Singapore It’s weird how often I stumble across images I don’t think I’ve shared before. In this case it’s one of Singapore (...)
Unshared Singapore
Daily Photo – Osaka Orange It’s always interesting to see cities from high up and compare how they are compared to others in terms of overall (...)
Osaka Orange
Daily Photo – NYC Blue This was a fairly subdued visit to NYC, unlike my most recent one which included more than one hospital stay. It was a… (...)
NYC Blue
Daily Photo – Synchronistic Wargs You might remember this Castle Hill area of New Zealand from the Lord of the Rings movies. I think they were in (...)
Synchronistic Wargs
Daily Photo – The Mirror Lakes Here’s another photo from the recent road trip. It was one of those fairly rare days with almost no wind, and I (...)
The Mirror Lakes
Daily Photo – Castle Hill Here’s a scene from the incredible area just near Arthur’s Pass on the South Island of New Zealand called Castle Hill. I (...)
Castle Hill
Daily Photo – Inside the Teatro Nacional Here’s another image from inside the Teatro Nacional with its awesome ceilings… Inside the Teatro Nacional (...)
Inside the Teatro Nacional
Daily Photo – Details of the Teatro Nacional Here’s a little detail shot featuring the Milanese Muse of Dance, from way back, inside the Teatro (...)
Details of the Teatro Nacional
Daily Photo – Here’s another from deep in the archives, 2006 to be exact which I uncovered when flicking through images from my previous Costa (...)
A Costa Rican Sunset
Daily Photo – The Journey Begins Today, leg 1 of my journey to Costa Rica. I was there, long ago, for very different reasons. Here’s a shot from (...)
The Journey Begins
Daily Photo – Simple Locations Sometimes in New Zealand you need to trek for a while to find a great view, most of the time though you’ll find one (...)
Simple Locations
Daily Photo – Reflection Hunting While out with the workshop people, hunting for reflections. Reflection Hunting Photo Information Date (...)
Reflection Hunting
Daily Photo – The Golden Fall We arrived in the Earnslaw Burn by helicopter fairly late in the day, so the light was getting low. I had to direct (...)
The Golden Fall
Daily Photo – Not Montana You’d be forgiven for thinking that this was out on a ranch in Montana but actually it was over past Glenorchy, here on (...)
Not Montana
Daily Photo – A Quiet Time When I was scrolling for another image, this one jumped out at me. firstly because of the vibrant green but also (...)
A Quiet Time