Ed Fox : Glamour from the Ground Up. The most tempting part of a woman’s body is her feet. Feet are a woman’s second body, the one I can visually enjoy without her being offended or even aware, and never would I have imagined that my little secret would attract so many people.
Ed Fox : Glamour from the Ground Up. The most tempting part of a woman’s body is her feet. Feet are a woman’s second body, the one I can visually enjoy without her being offended or even aware, and never would I have imagined that my little secret would attract so many people.
Les pieds sont la partie la plus attirante du corps d’une femme, tel un second corps à eux tout seul, qu’il m’est permis d’admirer sans qu’elle s’en offense ou même s’en aperçoive. Jamais je naurais imaginé que mon petit secret rencontrerait tant d’écho. Ed Fox Ed Fox a été qualifié de « nouvel Elmer Batters », mais il n’est de toute évidence (…)